What is RanMarine Technology B.V.'s stock symbol?

Our stock is traded on the Nasdaq under the symbol RAN.

When was RanMarine Technology B.V. incorporated?


When did RanMarine Technology B.V. become a public company?


Where is RanMarine Technology B.V. located?

RanMarine Technology, Inc.
Galileistraat 15
Rotterdam 3029 AL
The Netherlands
T: +31 616952175

When is RanMarine Technology B.V.'s fiscal year end?

December 31st

Who is RanMarine Technology B.V.'s transfer agent?

Bank New York Mellon

Who is RanMarine Technology B.V.'s independent auditor?

Turner, Stone & Company, LLP

Who is RanMarine Technology B.V.'s outside legal counsel?

Ploum Lawyers Rotterdam